
seeking cost-effective ways to reduce traffic congestion in Honolulu



AA Alternatives Analysis

AASHTO American Assocationation of State Highway & Transportation Officials

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

BRT Bus Rapid Transit

CAC Citizen Advisory Committee (OMPO)

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CIP Capital Improvement Programs

CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality

CMP Congestion Management Process

CMS Congestion Management System

CTCS Computerized Traffic Control System

DBEDT Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (State)

DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement

DOE U.S. Department of Energy

DOT Department of Transportation (State or U.S.)

DPP Department of Planning and Permitting (City)

DTS Department of Transportation Services (City)

EA Environmental Assessment

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EJ Environmental Justice

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement

FHWA Federal Highway Administration

FTA Federal Transit Administration

FY Fiscal Year (July 1st through June 30th)

GIS Geographical Information System

GPI OMPO Guide to Public Involvement in the OMPO Planning Process

HEPA Hawaii Environmental Protection Act, also HEPA, also HRS 343

HIA Honolulu International Airport

HOV High Occupancy Vehicle

HOV-2 High-Occupancy Vehicle with two occupants

HOV-3 High-Occupancy Vehicle with three occupants

HPMS Highway Performance Maintenance System

HRS Hawaii Revised Statutes

HRS 343 Hawaii Environmental Protection Act (HEPA)

HSS Highway Safety Staff (DOT)

ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991

ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems

LOTMA Leeward Oahu Transportation Management Association

MCS Motor Carrier Staff (DOT)

MIS Major Investment Study

MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization

NAS Naval Air Station

NEPA National Environment Policy ActNHS National Highway System

NOI Notice of Intent (by FTA)

NPTS Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey

OMB Office of Management and Budget

OMPO Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization

ORTP Oahu Regional Transportation Plan

OP Office of Planning (State)

OTS Oahu Transit Services, Inc. (City bus management contractor)

OWP Overall Work Program

PB Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas.

PMS Pavement Management System

PTMS Public Transportation Management System

PUC Primary Urban Center

ROW Right-of-way

RTP Regional Transportation Plan

SASP State Airport System Plan

SHD State Highways Division (DOT)

SIP Scoping Information Package

SMS Highway Safety Management System

SOV Single occupant vehicle

STIP Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

STP Surface Transportation Program (FHWA)

TAC Technical Advisory Committee (OMPO)

TDM Transportation Demand Management

TEA21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century

TIP Transportation Improvement Program (County)

TMA Transportation Management Area

TMC Traffic Management Center

TMS Traffic Monitoring System

TOD Transit Oriented Development (see alternate below)

TODS — Transit Oriented Developers’ Subsidies needed to induce people to live in unlivable neighborhoods

TSM Transportation Systems Management

USACE United States Army Corp of Engineers

USC United States Code

USDOT United States Department of Transportation

WE Work Element

3-C Continuing, Cooperative, Comprehensive